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Catholic Life and Mission

As a Catholic school, we play a key role in the faith formation of every child. A pupil's experience of the Catholic life of the school will undoubtedly influence their faith as an adult and so it is important we offer an experience that is truly outstanding.

From the moment your child joins Guardian Angels, they will become active members of a Catholic community.


At Guardian Angels we look to Jesus as our guide as we pray, work, celebrate and care.

The Catholic faith is at the heart of our school. We work very hard to treat everyone in school with care and respect just as Jesus taught us to 'love one another as I have loved you'. Our close link with our parish is very important to us.

All of our prayer and liturgy throughout the week are rooted in the teachings of Jesus.

All children have a daily act of worship. These take different forms.  Each week the children gather to praise God in singing, which supports our spiritual life and preparation for Mass and assemblies.

Monday - We begin our week by gathering for our Gospel Assembly. We discuss this week's gospel and how it can be lived in our lives. 

Tuesday - We come together for a hymn practice where we praise God though song.

Wednesday - School Mass is celebrated every two weeks. The Mass readings are prepared by children from all year groups, on a rota basis.  All parents and parishioners are very welcome to join the school at Mass.  

Thursday - Key Stage assemblies and individual class collective worship takes place.

Friday - We hold our Star Pupil Assembly celebrating the gifts and talents we have been given by God. This lovely celebration assembly is a chance to gather to praise God for our achievements.

On joining Guardian Angels, your child begins a unique journey designed to ensure they achieve their full potential. As first educators of your child in their faith, you as parents will be supported by the staff to build a strong partnership with the school. 

Children in Early Years routinely lead worship by preparing the focus and contributing with ideas and work.

Children in Key Stage 1 routinely lead worship by making simple choices about elements of the worship e.g. choosing the style of worship, selecting appropriate hymns to be sung and choosing the type of response activity they would like to experience. Children in Key Stage 1 make simple evaluations about the act of worship and contribute towards continual improvement. Children are introduced to the Collective Worship Planning boards to support this.

Children in Key Stage 2 plan acts of worship, reflecting on the four aspects Gather Listen Respond and Go Forth. The children can think about the type of response that would be the most appropriate. Pupils are chosen weekly to lead on collective worship and are given time during the week to plan, resource and discuss their session. Pupils evaluate collective worship prior to planning their own to ensure that improvements are actioned. Children use the Collective Worship Planning boards to support this.

Social Action

At Guardian Angels we are committed to encouraging our children to actively live their faith. Each child is encouraged to make a small contribution throughout the year that can make a huge difference to the lives of those less fortunate than ourselves.

During their time at Guardian Angels, each child will have the opportunity to:

  • Invite family members into school to share in a fundraising activity

  • Choose a charity to raise money for

  • Collect food for and learn how a Foodbank helps the local community

  • Be encouraged to sacrifice as part of Lent

  • Make deliveries to the Foodbank

  • Decide how much money to give to charity